Cholin-750 oral


Choline belongs to the water soluble vitamin B-complex and is also known as vitamin B4. The nutritional importance of choline is recognised for many years and choline is commonly used as a feed additive for animals. Choline has three main functions:

1) Choline is necessary for integrity of cell membranes and involved in cell signalling,

2) Choline is essential for the synthesis of acetylcholine, which is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, and

3) Choline is a methyl donor important for normal fat metabolism within the liver and prevents abnormal fat accumulation in the liver (fatty liver).

The bioavailability of choline in raw materials used in animal feed is variable. Therefore, supplementation with Cholin-750 Oral helps to provide adequate levels of choline in the diet. Deficiency problems, like perosis in poultry, might be avoided when using Cholin-750 Oral.